Creative Therapy Options

Psychotherapy & EFT

I specialise in helping clients who have experienced Injustice. Injustice can manifest emotionally as Anger, Anxiety, Fear, Loneliness, Rage, Sadness & Shame.

The origin of Injustice is embedded in our unmet needs e.g relationship breakdown, loss of someone to an accident/negligence,accusation of professional malpractice, bullying, redundancy etc. A place where we feel we were served an Injustice…

No matter how jumbled your story, no matter how challenging it is to say, even find the words, I will compassionately support you, without judgement & sense into your story, your experiences, your emotions sharing any intuitive insights, helping you process the effects of Injustice.

Working through Injustice can take time,however, using EFT (see below) to help reach the deep distress that lies beneath the e.g. rage or shame… You will feel better faster & be able to make choices, to change or to accept.

EFT – Tapping: Emotional Freedom Technique; the technique of tapping on acupressure points releases and neutralises negative& stuck emotions, memories, pain & in some cases beliefs. The acupressure points influence the amygdala/s to reduce distress in our brains &re-regulate our nervous system. If there is one intervention that speeds up Talking Therapy, EFT is it! And that is why I developed my Talk & Tap offering so you can spend less time in therapy and more time feeling good about yourself & your life!

Contact me for a FREE No Obligation Chat!

Support For Therapists

New or experienced in your therapeutic practice? I welcome you!

As Therapists we have changing needs; emotionally, personally & professionally. Sometimes these needs are sudden, such as a professional misconduct accusation (complaint) or a need to offload about our working day.

Other times we might seek support to help us change direction in our practice, to understand the digital admin side of our practice, or other commercial dilemmas. Perhaps you are seeking a new Therapist or a Coach, or something else…

From single drop-in sessions, to more formal agreements, I offer a modality neutral support for matters such as:

  • Compassion fatigue
  • Professional Conduct Complaints
  • Burnout
  • Change of Direction
  • Therapy for the Therapist
  • Digital Admin Dilemmas
  • Building Professional Confidence
  • CPD & Training Days

My varied private practice, has gifted me many years of working for EAP’s (including my own EAP offering for small businesses), Charity work, I run CPD / Training / Workshops a few times a year and I holistically blend (with permission) other therapies with Counselling to deliver a full body, mind, soul approach to my work.

If you are looking for something a little bit outside the box of traditional therapist’s support, lets chat! It is YOU that I am interested in supporting!

Contact me for a FREE No Obligation Chat!


Breathwork - Research, as well as individual experience, is confirming just how beneficial focussed and intentional breathing techniques actually are!

The benefits are extensive and include:

  • Reduction of Anxiety, Worry, Stress, Fatigue, Sleeping Issues
  • Increased Relaxation, Calmness, Happiness
  • Increased oxygen flow to the brain, improving brain function – thinking, decision making, mental clarity
  • Improved Sleep, Emotional Regulation, Coping

There are numerous breathing techniques for all levels of awareness, interest & physical capacity & of course you can sit at home with a book or video and breathe effectively. However, if you are seeking effective learning to maximise the benefits of conscious breathwork, I encourage you to consider working with a Practitioner until you become proficient yourself.  

I offer online classes on a monthly subscription, OneToOne sessions, and I incorporate breathing techniques into my other services such as:- Psychotherapy, EFT, Bodywork, Yoga and more…

Contact me for a FREE No Obligation Chat!


29% of Europeans choose Homeopathic Medicine! Homeopathy changed my life! And I know of many others for whom Homeopathy changed their life too…

Two significant aspects of Homeopathy that our modern minds struggle with are:

  • The whole person / patient in their entirety leads to the prescription – the opposite of ‘pill for an ill’ that we are so used to…
  • The prescribed substance – the Remedy – is diluted & energised – the opposite of how Pharmaceutical, Herbalism, or TCM are made…

It is these two aspects which initiate such deep healing…

I could cite many references for profound healing effects of Homeopathic Prescribing! The skill of the Homeopath is key; hearing you, asking appropriate questions & assessing for the most effective choice of Prescription / Remedy for YOU!

Homeopathy is highly suited to mental & emotional conditions, which is the reason I blend Psychotherapy and Homeopathy for deeper & more sustainable well-being…

Contact me for a FREE No Obligation Chat!

Intuitively Creative Options

Bodywork & Yoga

Bodywork is physical, sensory, emotional & intuitive. The Client experiences sensations in the body either in a physical way, or through their emotions. The Practitioner feels and senses physical energy & tissue impairment as well as intuitively sensing into the subtle responses of the Client’s body. Bodywork is integrative. Bodywork is capable of moving deep and often stuck emotions and Bodyworkers are capable of intuitively knowing which parts of the client’s body are asking for help…

Bodywork can be considered somewhat ‘woo woo’ However, bodywork is a deeply profound method of healing, that incorporates Massage, Soft Tissue Integrity, Soft Tissue Manipulation, Lymph Flow, Muscle Movement, Skeletal Movement, Acupressure and a deep connection with the Psychological Well-being of the client.

Bodywork is deep and potent; a kind of physical psychotherapy…

Contact me for a FREE No Obligation Chat!


The fun one! If you like card readings & reflecting over the messages from the cards and what those mean for you, a Psychic-Therapy session could be a wonderful experience for you. 

The essence of this service is to support you through your emotional reactions & responses to what the cards say. I am proficient at card reading and I have a variety of decks to choose from.

Importantly the cards offer potentiality; they are not absolute, even in their predictive strengths, but they can inform us & I will help you process the personal effects of your reading…

Contact me for a FREE No Obligation Chat!


Reiki is defined as Universal Energy; I prefer to say Energy. Although Reiki in its current format originates from Dr Usui from Japan, the philosophy and principles date back many 1000’s of years to The East and to Asia.

We are such energetic beings, we sense, feel, smell, hear and sometimes see energy; energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed. Reiki Practitioners direct energy to you to be transformed e.g. into relaxation of the nervous system, reduction in pain, improved sleep, improved mood, increased harmony, improved sense of well-being.

Reiki Practitioners work with the Chakras - energy centres in the body - because these energy centres are in a constant state of flux (transformation). Reiki can recalibrate the Chakras helping you feel balanced and more like you!

The sending & receiving aspects of Reiki transform into a potent symbiosis between Practitioner and Client. Energy can travel a long way; a long way! Thus distance / remote Reiki is a potent part of a Practitioner’s portfolio…

Contact me for a FREE No Obligation Chat!

My Creative Approach to Therapy

I invite you to consider the relationship between your mind & body, & how your emotions are an expression of both. 

The fields of Psychology & Therapy openly acknowledge the power of our minds on our own well-being, as well as how our body stores memory & emotions.

I love creatively combining & blending my therapeutic services to support & help each unique client attain deep healing.

Below is a wee taste of my creative approach to Therapy…

I invite you to book a FREE - no obligation clarity call

to discuss your needs & interests; there are many ways in which we can work together!

The way in which I blend Breathwork and EFT is gentle yet effective, helping you to feel calmer, grounded, sleep better, balance your mood, create harmony in your relationships & improve your confidence. And much more too…

I offer a magic mix of Breathwork, EFT and Somatic Awareness (body sensations) to help you release emotions and memories from deep within; this is a profound & potent blend helping with Trauma, Grief, Relationship breakdown and much more too…

My Talk & Tap blend helps you move through distress more quickly as you express & release emotions and find that you feel lighter & brighter, calmer, more confident in your decisions, more trusting in yourself & others, and much more too…

To book a FREE No Obligation Chat

Susie Jamieson

The Human Behind The Therapist

After a massive personal trauma that turned my life upside down, I decided to exit my Corporate career and move full-time into my Therapeutic career. I re-booted my entire life. Since 2012 I have been running my successful Creative Therapies business; I love my job! My life is unrecognisable from those former dark days… I have experience of, and understand, what it feels like to experience a deep sense of Injustice, to brush shoulders with suicide, feel broken, deeply lonely, hopeless, overlooked, unloved and to experience trauma and subsequent PTSD… Importantly, I want to share with you that you can make your life wonderful again, or for the first time. . .


I am a gentle, kind soul with a big heart, able to connect deeply and compassionately with others to help them heal, change, accept or even transform. . .


On a personal note, I love nature, sunrises, sunsets, walking in the wilderness with my dog, admiring beautiful views. I love meditation (mindfulness) and breath-work; they have been of tremendous benefit through my own healing. I read cards to gain insight from their powerful messages. I love animals. I can cook – sometimes… but I love food all the time! I excel at eating chocolate and love swimming in open water!

Book a FREE no-obligation chat with me

Testimonials. Its a privilege to hear a client's life story... 

I had started seeing Susie as part of a company referral scheme as I had become seriously depressed and anxious about everything and I mean everything! Susie is very calming she had put me at ease just by talking to her in the first of 6 sessions. I would start to show excitement in our sessions because I trust her. She makes me feel confident and happy with myself. She has helped me understand my past and how it shaped me as well as current issues. I now am a better farther, husband, friend and I have started to love myself and life again! Susie has been there helping me deal with my Complicated past to ensure I can see a future and I thank her very much for that.

Susie has been a kind and patient therapist, listening; deeply grasping how I tend to perceive the world. She operates with a gentle curiosity and comes at things from an intuitive place. This helps very much as it allows the creation of space for alternative and wider perspective when I hear this reflected back in our conversation. What matters most is feeling heard and I certainly do feel that. Susie is resourceful when needed and kind in her communication. Equally honest and frank where necessary in the most sensitive way. It takes me a long time to build trust with people and I feel that in our sessions and in the sense of time in between. She is not pushy nor interjecting with her own views or perceptions and demonstrates much patience, authenticity and an openness. This isn’t always a quality I find readily in many other professionals. I think this makes her standout. Her thinking is innovative, holistic, and she takes her role seriously. I find her mindful in her approach. I would recommend Susie without doubt to someone whom was in need of a sincere therapeutic experience.     

As a creative person myself I was immediately drawn towards “Creative Therapist” Susie.  As I knew in becoming a client of hers that I was looking to work on a number of different aspects of my life, it seemed like a therapist with a wide range of approaches and experience would be ideal. And I was right! Susie offers a huge amount of insight into all areas of the mind, body and self as a whole. She can sense the balance of what is needed and creates a unique blend of approaches to fit you personally. I have discovered far more about myself than I would have thought possible. Susie welcomes you with a calming, non-judgmental atmosphere where you are safe to express and explore. Truly the creative approach.


Qualifications Matter!

They demonstrate a commitment to learning and to reach standards required by Governing Bodies, without which a Practitioner is not able to be a member of a Governing Body, or become insured.

Please feel you can ask for proof of my qualifications and evidence I am insured.

I also attend many hours of Continual Professional Development each year. This keeps my qualifications current with new evidence as well as learning about legal requirements such as GDPR.

GDPR Statement

I am a member of the ICO and adhere to their data protection policies. What this means for you is that I take minimal, yet necessary data about you in order to deliver whichever service you require. I keep your data - handwritten - on paper in a locked cabinet and I do not share it with anyone.

Everything you tell me is confidential unless there is a legal requirement for me to breach your confidence e.g. if you inform me you are money laundering or intend to harm a child. I give you a full terms of engagement document when you choose to work with me - for full transparency and clarity.

I really do enjoy my work. I offer a variety of Therapies, to give you options as well as to give myself a variety of interesting and rewarding work.

It has taken me over quarter of a century to craft my current services, which are offered with knowledge, experience and loving compassion...

I look forward to welcoming you to my Practice!

To book a FREE No Obligation Chat 

BACP Accredited Psychotherapist

EFTi Accredited Practitioner

Forrest Yoga & Bodyworker 


